Thanos Theodoridis

About me

Hey there! My name is Thanos. Athanasios “Thanos” Theodoridis to be precise. I live in the quiet and beautiful city of Thessaloniki, Greece.

I have an Electrical and Computer Engineering degree from University of Thessaly and a masters on Engineering Management from International Hellenic University. I am also a proud alumni of Anatolia College High School.

I have been professionally involved with software development since 2009, having developed various iOS and web applications and designed a dozen others. My clients range from non-technical business people and local startups to well-funded companies in the Bay area serving Fortune 500 clients. My core mission is to help my clients increase their value in the modern, technology-driven world and help them bring their mobile and web strategies into life.

As a pragmatic technology consultant, I feel very comfortable working with Node.js and Connect-based frameworks as well as Ruby on Rails in the backend side. With over 7 years experience on the iOS platform and Cocoa frameworks I can tackle almost any kind of project targeting Apple platforms. I have worked with most of the native frameworks as well as with various popular libraries. I love clean and scalable architectures, favor established patterns and I am also a great fan of clean, small and re-usable components. I religiously endorse test-driven and agile development processes ensuring a healthy balance between engineering efforts and product, business and financial demands. Additionally, I’ve spent a great time analyzing business requirements, designing user interfaces to fulfill them and iterate upon them to optimize results. I always try to stay up to date with the industry’s best practices and I am constantly in the look to enhance my knowledge base with the latest trends. I thrive in competitive cultures and challenging ventures, have a sick attention to details and I am always keen to lean and adapt rapidly. This exact multidisciplinary background makes me a great fit for product management and technical lead positions.

Born and raised in a highly entrepreneurial family, I’ve started a few startups and will probably start a few more. When not working with technology, you’ll find me hitting the slopes with my skis, exchanging tennis balls in a court or rocking some blues-rock on my guitar. In between, I’ll probably be reading some books or backtesting some strategies related to money instruments trading.

Finally, by tremendously valuing the power of communities I seek to always get involved in joint activities with like-minded people, attend meet-ups, speak publicly and share knowledge and experiences as well as mentor and nurture newcomers and junior people. I am an executive member of SKGTech, Thessaloniki’s tech-community, through which me and the rest of the members are actively promoting the tech industry, organize events and actions as well as international conferences. I’am also co-organizing CocoaHeads SKG (YouTube / Speakerdeck), the local all-things-Apple-dev get together and have been a regular speaker at Thessaloniki Node.js Meetup.

You can always ping me on Twitter, Email or Skype, check out more around my career on LinkedIn or fork any of my code on GitHub.

Hire me for your next project